
Staay Food Group increases transparency with AgriPlace.

On 1 October, Staay Food Group joined AgriPlace, the compliance platform for safe and sustainable supply chain management. This represents another step for the company in ensuring quality, reliability and food safety even more effectively. With Agriplace, Staay Food Group now has insight into certification, crop protection products used and inspection reports of all member growers, among other things, at the touch of a button.

Collecting and recording this information can be laborious and prone to errors. A move to automation was therefore considered. Ultimately, Staay Food Group has chosen the compliance platform AgriPlace Chain.

Working together on process improvement
“Always ensuring that products throughout the supply chain meet all requirements is a lot of work,” says Niels Vlasblom, Operational Manager of Staay Food Group. “Process optimisation and improvement is therefore very important to us. We also work with external parties such as AgriPlace in this respect. This enables us to continue improving.”

“AgriPlace provides a better structure and greater insight into our data. We can now see immediately whether growers and other suppliers meet our requirements and those of our customers,” says Vlasblom. The system helps Staay and its growers in various ways, such as automatically collecting information from the GLOBAL G.A.P, PlanetProof and BRC Food databases, among others.

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