Start of Spanish Persimmon season


Early October marks the start of Spanish persimmon season, and this sweet, seedless fruit will be available again all the way through to January. After several challenging seasons, our growers are expecting supplies of top-quality persimmons to return to normal this year. The trees are laden with good-sized fruits, and if the weather is favourable, the outlook for the harvest is promising.

Staay has collaborated with Spanish producer and exporter Anecoop for the import of persimmons for many years. The growers affiliated with the cooperative are responsible for at least 40% of Spain’s persimmon crop. The fruit is cultivated in three areas, in Seville, Murcia and Valencia, and the focus is entirely on the Rojo Brillante variety. The name means “red shiny” and refers to the colour and appearance of the ripe fruit. This variety is deliciously soft and sweet with a distinctive reddish orange skin. Ripe Rojo Brillante persimmons also contain less tannin than many other varieties.

Protected Designation of Origin: Persimon
Persimmons cultivated in Valencia’s Ribera del Xúquer valley bear the Protected Designation of Origin (DOP): Persimon. Only Rojo Brillante persimmons grown in this region can be sold under this name, setting them apart from other fruits sold as ‘persimmon’ (with two ‘m’s). The majority of the persimmons sold by Staay have this PDO.

The first persimmons are expected in the first week of October, and the available quantities will increase rapidly. Promotional volumes will be available mainly during the month of November.



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